Blue-chip stocks all have common denominators that set them apart from other, lesser stocks. They tend to be big, successful businesses that consumers and investors hold in high regard. Their financial statements are typically exemplary, indicating a level of consistency and stability that can allow shareholders to sleep soundly. Look over the higher-end market caps
You’ve surely heard the adage, “sell in May and go away.” While this investing trope is popular for investors who believe that the summer season is commonly a down time for stocks, it doesn’t hold true for the best stocks in the market. Buying A-rated stocks for May makes a lot of sense for several
Healthcare is a basic human need that can withstand economic downturns. Indeed, this important endeavor receives a huge amount of funds in developed countries globally and the West in particular. Roughly $8.3 trillion annually is devoted to global healthcare, and nearly 50% of that amount is spent in the U.S. Moreover, healthcare spending is increasing
Whether you’re a staunch environmentalist or an electric vehicle enthusiast, the current state of the lithium industry is concerning. That’s because the lithium commodity’s dreadful impact on landscapes and its lackluster performance. For investors, lithium was not always the most exciting play, after all, it supported the steady smartphone and rechargeable battery industry. Yet, in
Ford (NYSE:F) delivered respectable first-quarter results that missed Wall Street’s top line expectations and beat bottom-line forecasts. The automaker also kept its full-year guidance in place, leaving the market holding its breath about where Ford stock heads next. The auto industry isn’t running as strong as it once was, and government electric vehicle mandates keep
When nested within a comprehensive and well-rounded portfolio, private equity and venture capital are often seen as the Holy Grail of diversified investing. Though illiquid and with a few other negative traits, private equity and venture capital investing offer uncorrelated assets and, with venture capital specifically, access to tomorrow’s biggest companies before they go public—if