Undeniably, the innovation space has been the darling of Wall Street, although shifting sands may prompt a discussion about tech dividend stocks. The tech-centric Nasdaq Composite index gained over 29% since the start of the year, well above the benchmark S&P 500’s performance of under 13% during the same period. Still, harsh realities cannot be ignored.
The tech sector has been hit hard by the market volatility and the uncertain macroeconomic outlook in September 2023. Many investors have been selling their tech stocks. Investors fear that the high valuations are unsustainable and that the growth prospects are dimming. However as the popular saying goes, “be greedy when others are scared.”  Not
The electric vehicle industry appears to be a winner-take-all market. At least that’s what Wall Street seems to think. Just look at the performance of other auto stocks. Shares of Elon Musk’s Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) have doubled this year. Tesla’s market capitalization is more than $800 billion, dwarfing the values of General Motors (NYSE:GM), Ford (NYSE:F),
To be quite blunt, the bird’s-eye-view narrative of lithium stocks to make you rich practically sells itself. While gold may continue to be the monetary precious metal of choice, the commodity of the future increasingly looks like it will be lithium. Powering everything from portable smart devices to full-sized electric vehicles, demand for the soft,