Stocks to buy

Adding stocks for diversification to your portfoliois still the best approach for most investors. While mega-cap technology stocks continue to lead the market higher, having all one’s eggs in that basket is risky. Over time, the stock market rally will broaden out, and sector rotation will occur. When that happens, investors who have a diversified
Magnificent 7 stocks can benefit heavily from Bidenomics. The term “Bidenomics” refers to the various economic policies pushed and signed into law by the Biden Administration. President Joe Biden’s administration has signed several legislations, including the CHIPS Act, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. All of which have earmarked
According to the International Monetary Fund, we are on the brink of a technology revolution spearheaded by artificial intelligence. The technology will boost productivity, accelerate global growth and raise incomes globally. Multiple AI stocks will benefit from this transformation. Today, businesses are analyzing how they can leverage AI to improve productivity and how it affects
Global GDP growth depends on various factors of productivity and efficiency. An important driver of growth is the focus on technology and innovation. As the United States shifted focus away from manufacturing, it’s the technological edge that has ensured that the country remains the leading economy in the world. Therefore, IT stocks are always likely
Analyst upgrades aren’t gospel. But retail investors should pay close attention to the way top analysts and “smart money” operators position themselves in today’s economic climate. Though we’re still (technically) in a bull market, increased nervousness around higher interest rates and Magnificent Seven concentrations point to wider bearish tendencies throughout the analyst class. Therefore, investors