Investing News

The hotel industry is focused on the provision of short-term lodging, including hotels and motels, as well as accommodation-related services. It’s one segment within the broader hospitality (or leisure) industry. The hotel industry is split into two main categories of companies: C-corporation hotels such as Marriott International Inc. and Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.; and hotel
Editor’s note: Below you’ll find the week 107 release of the NYC Recovery Index, originally published September 20, 2022. Visit the NYC Recovery index homepage for the latest data. New York City’s economic recovery had a positive week ending September 10, 2022, with the index score rising from 76 to 77 out of 100. COVID-19
Ahead of fresh data on new home sales and home prices this week, there are signs that new homebuyers are backing out of sales. Amid higher interest rates and a softening housing market, home purchase cancellations were above 15% for the second straight month. Last month about 64,000 agreements or 15.2% were cancelled, compared to
Crypto markets exhibited a sluggish pattern last week, with some dire predictions for the medium-term future being made by analysts. Investors are concerned about the increase in interest rates and general negative sentiments about the economy. Bitcoin is also suffering and doesn’t appear to be poised for a bullish breakout. The flagship cryptocurrency may see bearish trends, as chart
General Electric Co. (GE) is a multinational industrial company. GE provides a range of products and services, including aircraft engines, power generation, oil and gas production equipment, medical imaging, financing, and more. The company operates through the following segments: Power, Renewable Energy, Aviation, Healthcare, and a financial services segment called GE Capital. “Insider” refers to
The Series 6 is a securities license entitling the holder to register as a company’s representative and sell certain types of mutual funds, variable annuities, and insurance. Holders of the Series 6 license are not authorized to sell corporate or municipal securities, direct participation programs, and options. With Series 6, an individual can purchase or sell
The Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) is a fund that invests in the stocks of some of the largest companies within the United States. Vanguard’s (VOO) is an exchange traded fund (ETF) that tracks the S&P 500 index by owning all of the equities within the S&P. An index is a hypothetical portfolio of stocks
If you are overwhelmed by your debts, you’re not alone. The average American has more than $92,000 in debt, including credit cards, student loans, and personal loans.  If you’re struggling to pay off your balances, one option is to work with a nonprofit credit counseling agency and enroll in a debt management plan. With this
Credit repair companies offer to help consumers improve their credit scores in return for a fee. Some are legitimate businesses, while others are little more than scams. Here is what a credit repair company can, and can’t, do for you. Key Takeaways Legitimate credit repair companies can help you remove inaccurate information from your credit
Credit repair involves removing or correcting inaccurate information from your credit report to provide a fair and complete picture of your finances, taking steps to boost your credit score, and resolving to avoid credit problems in the future. You can do this yourself or hire a company that specializes in credit repair to do it
What Is Credit Repair? Credit repair is a process for rebuilding your credit and improving your credit score after they’ve been damaged by poor credit habits, financial setbacks, identity theft, or credit reporting errors. While bogus credit repair offers are a favorite ploy of scam artists, the process itself is legal. There are legitimate credit
When investors think of a multinational e-commerce company,, Inc. (AMZN) is the name that generally first comes to mind. The company, which initially opened as an online bookstore, has been at the forefront of online commerce for the better part of two decades. However, traditional brick-and-mortar discount retailer Walmart Inc. (WMT) has been keeping pace online
Social Security is a federal benefits program in the United States that was founded in 1935. While the program also includes disability income, it is most commonly associated with monthly retirement benefits paid out until death. The Social Security system is funded through payroll taxes. The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) mandates a 12.4% levy